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JSON is an object with methods for parsing and converting.

There are only two methods JSON uses.


JSON - JavaScript Object Notation

Hedgehog Script supports JavaScript



JavaScript is not JSON

There are certain things that are required for objectss & Arrays in JSON:

  • One must double quote property names

  • Trailing commas and leading zeros are forbidden

  • Note that NaN and Infinity aren't supported

Let's start with an example of one of the two methods: stringify()

Note that one can also embed or nest JSON:


Use JSON.stringify() to convert certain objects into strings

The mentioned methods are: JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify (both static).

The effective difference is parse transforms the string into JSON while stringify returns a JSON string.


Both methods have replacer and reviver as option fields.

reviver allows for interpreting what replacer has replaced

Let's have a demo of JSON.parse() & JSON.stringify():

Here's an example using the mentioned reviver and replacer options:


JSON can be an in-depth topic - this is only an introduction.

Check out the MDN page for JSON here: JSON-MDN docs